
Cooking With Que
The Crustless Apple Pie

The Crustless Apple Pie

The easiest most effortless pie you will ever make! You know I’m serious right? Literally all you need are your favorite apples and a few more ingredients and people will think you baked for hours!

I am the Queen of making recipes out of what I have! I wanted a apples in pie form, but I didn’t want the crust. I wanted an apple pie but I didn’t want to pour an entire bag of sugar in a pot to eat it. Don’t even act brand new! Ya’ll know how the apple pies were baked back in the day… #SugarMinistry! You would eat that slice.. and another one.. topped with ice cream…. and then feel like you need to be wheelbarrowed out of Grandma’s House! LOL!!!

Well, not this recipe. You will thoroughly be surprised 🙂

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