
Cooking With Que

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Archive | April, 2017

7 things that successful people do before 8 a.m.

Good Morning

I thought about you! God woke me up and the first person he had me think about was YOU!

What will make you better today than what you were yesterday. That was my thought after being the last person to go to sleep, but being the first person awake, gives you a different perspective. I wanted to tell YOU that YOU ARE LOVED! I wanted to share with you some of the things that I do before 8 am.

It will be IMPORTANT TO YOU! It will make your day better.

1. Pray

My relationship with God is the most important thing in my life, and it keeps me sane, and mentally ready for anything that could happen today. Why you may ask? It does. My brain says we are here for a bigger purpose than to just serve ourselves. We are here to build the kingdom, so I pray for everyone, and if there are specific people on my heart, or my prayer wall, I do so.

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Cooking With Que Show and Kale on TV?

So it's been a while since sent you guys an update, and I have soo much to share!!! We have launched the #CookingWithQueShow on our YouTube Channel, which has been going great, and is now being aired on #PublicTelevision locally (Oakland County Michigan)!

Check it out! You can check out the channel here 🙂

Our most recent episode is about the #KaleMinistry!  We give you the the real breakdown on Kale, I'm talking benefits, facts, and some recipes to jazz it up for ya!

Check it out!!! #Subscribe to the #CookingWithQue channel!

Thanks family!!!

Let me know what you think!!!!


Que 🙂

P.S. I'm in a great mood, so I'm sending out a FREE #VeganStarterKit grocery list for everyone!!!! Be on the look out!!!!!!!