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We made Apple Pancakes on Fox 2! | Recipe Inside

Oh my Gravy and Mash Potatoes!  We were on Fox 2 Again!  This time we made Apple Pancakes and they were a hit!  I will say, we bought all natural pancake mix from our local grocery store, Kroger to be exact.  The brand was Log Cabin, because their ingredients were simple.  We followed the recipe on the back, but instead of using Eggs and Milk, we made it Vegan by using a Non- Dairy Milk, like Soy Milk or Almond Milk, and Olive oil instead of Eggs.

To top it off, instead of using regular syrup, we cut the calories by just drizzling agave on top!  These pancakes were from HEAVEN!  They taste soooo good!  You have to try it!

Well, Check out our Fox 2 clip below, and of course I threw in the recipe too!

Click Here to Watch the Fox 2 Detroit Clip

Click Here for Apple Pancake Recipe

If you make them... tag us in it!

Until next time, may your tastebuds be

Forever Satisfied!!!



Food Allergies, Dietary Needs, ASK QUESTIONS!!

Hi, welcome to my world. I have sarcoidosis, I’m allergic to dairy, yes that means milk, eggs, cheese, etc. Oh yeah and I’m also Vegan. My friends call me #SmallPrint (rude), but it's true!

Imagine going out to dinner with me? LOL!

I’m usually the last person to order, because I take longer, the waiter/waitress usually has to go talk to the chef to double check ingredients, because they NEVER know what is in what. We must go through this process because they don’t want to be the reason someone has to use an epipen on me in their establishment (lol, its not funny.. But it's true, lol).

Being a person with allergies, or dietary restrictions, is not the easiest thing to live with. You can’t just say hey I’m gonna go grab some fast food, for fear of cross contamination plus you never know what all of the ingredients are and so on.

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