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I’m Vegan …….. but…. LET’S TALK CHICKEN!!!!!

Who knew shopping for chicken to feed my family would be such a big deal!

I mean seriously. Once you figure out what you’re cooking for dinner you should be able to just go to the grocery store, grab what you need and get out right?
I feel like you need to be a certified nutritionist to even go to the grocery store! It’s ridiculous. I already have to read packages, because I’m the vegan of the family and allergic to dairy!!! (sometimes people think I’m saying “lactose intolerant”….. NO!! THERE IS A DIFFERENCE) Sigh!!!
Have you ever read the back of packaged chicken? I thought it would just say - Ingredients - chicken? Ha! A joke!
Each package had different verbiage. I’m going to give you the basics of what to look for and how it reads.
THE BASICS ... what to look for while you’re shopping.

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